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Latest Forum News -
08/01 - web site launched.
Parliamentarians for Global Action in
cooperation with the Riksdagen has launched a web
site to provide information on the upcoming Annual
Parliamentary Forum which focuses on the subject of
e-commerce and the Internet.
09/28 - Forum Postponed.
In light of the terrorist attack on New
York and Washington and the
subsequent urgency for a coordinated strategy by the
international community,
Parliamentarians for Global Action announces the postponement
of its 23rd
Annual Forum on E-Commerce and Internet Development,
currently scheduled for
November 11-12, 2001 in Stockholm, Sweden. New dates
will be announced
shortly on the Forum website -
PGA's network of parliamentarians from
100 elected legislatures are intensely
engaged in their national debates and discussions
with their respective
governments on the appropriate responses to these
terrorist attacks. PGA is
also coordinating legislative measures globally to
assure that responses are
selective, legal and within a multilateral framework.
Delegations of PGA
members from its Peace and Democracy and International
Criminal Court
programmes are making bilateral visits to colleagues
in Washington to discuss
legislative strategies.
10/25 - New Forum dates announced.
The new dates for the Forum are January
25-26, 2002.